Invasive Pests
Many federal and state agencies as well as other branches of the University, such as CTAHR, address invasive species issues in Hawai‛i. BIISC has traditionally focused on the detection and eradication of potentially harmful plants that are in the early stages of invasion on our island. Information about our work on invasive plants can be found here. In recent years, as invasive species have become a more pressing issue for many residents and homeowners in Hawai‛i, we have taken more of a role in outreach, education, and community empowerment for handling invasive pests. We support our partners in their efforts to curb the damage of invasive species by increasing awareness and connecting Big Island community members with the right people to address their issues as appropriate. Listed below are some of the animal or disease pests for which BIISC is involved in some aspect of control, awareness, or education.