Note: presentations aren’t limited to K-12! We have presented in community college, undergrad, and grad school classrooms, as well as for community and industry groups. If you have a different area of focus that you would like presented, let us know and we can work to tailor a presentation to fit your needs.

General Invasive Species
We have a version of this presentation for all age levels, but we find the concept of invasive species is easier to grasp at a Grade 3 level or above. This is a great intro presentation and covers the development of life on the Hawaiian islands and the harms posed by invasive species. With additional time, we can include information on a specific species, and/or the work that BIISC does to respond to invasive species on the Big Island. Additional information about evolution can also be integrated for older students. This presentation can be anywhere from 30-65 minutes, depending on your needs.

Little Fire Ants
Targeted to grades 4-9. This presentation focuses on a single invasive species, the little fire ant (Wasmannia auropunctata). The presentation can be used to introduce the Citizen Science LFA mapping project, as background for the Crazy Ants scientific collection activity, or as a stand-alone. The slides for this presentation are also available to teachers via Google Drive (email biisc@hawaii.edu for the link). (Approx. 30 minutes)

Hawai‛i and the World- a history of invasive introductions
Targeted to high school students or advanced middle school. This presentation covers several high-profile invasive species over the history of Hawai‛i, the global and local economic and societal drivers that led to to the fateful introductions, and the short- and long-term impacts of those introductions. (Approx. 35-45 minutes)