Classroom Activities/Citizen Science
BIISC offers classroom activities that can be done in coordination with a guest presentation or during a follow-up period. Please contact us at biisc@hawaii.edu to set a date/time.
Crazy Ants:
Targeted at grades 3-7. This is a hands-on activity designed to help students understand the scientific concepts of collection and identification. Students are given an introduction to little fire ants, then posed with the problem of reports of stinging ants on campus.
In groups of 4, they then work to collect “ants” (laminated cards) that have been hidden prior to the activity. The students are taught to carefully label the “ants” when collecting, to take field notes, and to work as a team to make sure all information is recorded.
They are then guided through the identification activity, where they determine the species of ants found and calculate the percentage of each species present. This activity can be used as a springboard for multiple topics: the role of sampling and collection in science class, creating representations of data in math class, writing a technical report for ELA.
*For this activity, we would need access to an outdoor area for the students to “collect”. Time – 60 minutes.

Slug/Snail Population Tracking (citizen science!):
Targeted at grades 4-12. Students can participate in the tracking of slug and snail species across the state by photographing and uploading the information using our online form. Use data from the ArcGIS dashboard to compare populations in different areas. Check out these common invasive slugs and snails, and learn more about Rat Lungworm disease.

Ambrosia Beetles & Rapid ‛Ōhi‛a Death (citizen science!):
Targeted at grades 3-7. Ambrosia beetles are common decomposers in our forests. They play an important role in releasing the nutrients of dead and dying trees back into the ecosystem. However, some ambrosia beetles in Hawai’i have also become inadvertent players in the spread of the fungus that causes the deadly tree disease ROD.
Students will make their own beetle traps from recycled materials, to participate in the capture, tracking, and mapping of ambrosia beetles in their neighborhoods, giving scientists some insight into where various species can be found across the island and how that might impact the spread of ROD.
Activity Kits:
Bird Beak Adaptation Activity Lab (elementary-middle school):
This activity is based on the UH-Hilo developed PRISM module for 7th-grade life science (but we have suggestions for modifying to lower grades). We have a kit with the majority of the materials you would need to complete this activity with your classroom, including modified data sheets and laminated bird ID cards. You just need to buy the edible portions! Contact us to borrow the kit and discuss how you can modify it to your grade level.

Carolina Ecokits Environmental Science Invasive Species Kit (high school):
We have the complete kit available for borrowing. Please contact us to reserve.

Career Day Powerpoint
Click this link to view our presentation that shows all the different jobs we have here at BIISC! Eligible for all grade levels.